We're back! Or. . . we're off again? Anyway, we're traveling part of continental Europe this time. Our travels will take us through Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


8:28 AM Posted by Libby 1 comment
Hello! No, we haven't forgotten about blogging. We are in Amsterdam staying at a place we found on Air B&B, at which the internet is horrible! Like, super slow and spotty. So that's why we haven't written a post in a few days.

Since being in Amsterdam we have done a city walking tour, a bike country tour, the Van Gogh museum, the Rijksmuseum and a canal tour. We spent pretty much the whole day at the Rijksmuseum but luckily they had free wifi so I was entertained with my iPod while Tommy moseyed through the museum!

We have one more full day before heading home. There is one more museum that we want to go to. Once we get home to reliable, fast internet, we will write a monster blog post with pictures! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

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